There are several elements needed for the creation of a great business Website.

07 Jul 2015

5 Top Things Your Business Website Needs

Website Design

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There are several elements needed for the creation of a great business Website. A great Website can end up being the most important tool for your business’ marketing campaign, as it can attract potential customers, drive sales, promote the business brand and foster long-term ongoing customer rapport.

Although there are a number of ingredients to build a powerful Website, there are 5 top things your business Website needs in order to generate sales and build relationships with online consumers. Here are the top five things you should look at implementing for your Website:

1. Design

The overall look of your Website is the first thing online viewers will see. Without an attractive Website design you will not be able to retain the interest of visitors (even with great content). You only get one chance to impress, so if you yourself aren’t design savvy, it may be best to consider hiring a Website designer who has the knowledge and skills necessary to deliver a great Website for today’s standards.

2.Relevant and Interesting Content

In order to avoid undermining the effectiveness of your business Website, you must create relevant and interesting content that will appeal to your target audience and satisfy the needs of SEO. If you don’t feel your in-house staff has the skills necessary to develop high-quality content you should consider hiring a firm that specializes in copywriting.


Most Websites nowadays obtain consumer data, whether that be name, address, credit card information etc. This type of information needs to be kept safe from online hackers as information leaks would prove fatal for any online company. Online visitors need to feel confident that your Website has security in place, or they won’t do business with you.


Developing a consistent and well thought out navigation layout will ensure your online viewers are able to successfully move about your Website with ease. When structuring your Website navigation remember to place yourself in the seat of your online visitor and take your own Website for a test spin. If you are struggling to navigate your own pages, your visitors will as well.

5.Website Analysis

Having a business Website is a great marketing tool but without the necessary Website analyses you have no means of having any insight on what is working and what may not be working with your site. Understanding which elements on your Website are performing or under performing is essential to being able to make necessary improvements which result in higher conversions.


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