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10 Dec 2009

Choose the Right Social Media for your Business

Online Marketing

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The increasing number of social networks has resulted in ‘more options than solutions’ for the online businesses. The businesses looking to explore the many facets of online marketing find themselves entangled in some irrelevant social networking site or the other.

With the overcrowding of the social media zone, it is important that we understand the relevance of each social network with respect to our business. Each social network is unique in its offering and has certain significance in terms of networking and grouping of like-minded and dependent groups online.



The relevance of social media can be understood by the following socialnomics video:

Following is a brief analysis of 5 major social networking sites on the Internet:


Twitter is the least time-consuming and easiest of all current social networks. It not only has a staggering followership but everyone on the planet wants to be on Twitter and wants to be followed too! All you have are 140 characters to tell your story, talk about your last minute or even sell your product! Now, that’s new age micro-blogging for you!


Facebook is a more sophisticated social network with older social networking players hooting for the best e-social applications in the form of FarmVille, Mafia Wars and what not! With popularization of Facebook, there are not just grown-ups and students using it but kids, middle aged and practically everyone wants to be part of Facebook.


Business! Business! Business! Social Networking seems to be a misfit on You! Tube. You! Tube is a more category-oriented platform and hence networking can go take a walk while businesses enjoy promoting their corporate videos, product videos, advertisements, viral ads and commercials on You! Tube.

Linked In

After the huge ongoing success of social networking; professional networking hits a bull’s eye with Liked In. The first of its kind professional networking site brings together young and established professionals, businesses, business owners, service providers and entrepreneurs on the same platform. to share knowledge, showcase skills and experience, network for professional interest, for job posting and job hunting as well.

My Space

My Space is for a younger generation. Therefore, businesses whose products or services target the younger audience extensively use MySpace.

Here’s an additional video to help you get a better insight into why and how social media can help your business ride the ROI acceleration graph. It’s also an introduction to Dan Zarella’s latest social media book. Here’s a look:

Therefore, it is important to make an appropriate selection of social media network which compliments both your target audience as well as target region. We will discuss about the regional importance of social networks in our coming posts.


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