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Earlier this year, COVID-19 forced the Canadian economy to essentially shut down.

Getting Your Business Ready for the COVID-19 Recovery

20 Jul 2020

Maintaining an active social media presence was important pre-COVID-19, however, in the wake of a global shut down, a strong social media presence is now vital to your business’ survival.

08 Jul 2020

Tips for How to Use Social Media Through a Crisis

As we go through these challenging times, what you choose to do now will greatly affect your business’recovery once we enter the next phases.

02 Jul 2020

COVID-19: 6 Digital Marketing Ideas to Increase Your Online Presence

It is no secret that internet users favour websites that provide a good user experience.

25 Jun 2020

Google Algorithm Update Page experience to become ranking factor

There is no doubt that 2020 has dealt businesses an unprecedented setback, one that may take years from which to fully recover.

12 Jun 2020

3 Tips for Steering Your Business through Uncertain Times


2020 has proved itself to be a year full of unprecedented challenges.

13 May 2020

6 SEO Trends to Kick-start Your Business

Search Engine Optimization

At a recent Vancouver Web Design convention event, attended by more than 250 people, five industry experts discussed the most recent trends in the ever-changing fields of e-commerce design and development. Outlined below are their ideas and suggestions:

29 Apr 2020

Useful Tips, Tools, and Technologies for E-commerce

As we are all in danger of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and its adverse effects have taken the world by storm, Nirvana Canada, like many other companies, has asked their employees to work from home.

15 Apr 2020

Some Useful Tips for Working Remotely During the COVID-19 Crisis

The impacts of Covid-19 are being felt across the globe, affecting all aspects of life.

01 Apr 2020

5 Tips for Marketing During Covid-19

Internet Marketing

For web developers that have been in the business for a while, working with a new server environment may seem like a pointless task – with the next best thing being released every couple of months, how would you even decide which system to use?

29 Feb 2020

Top 5 Reason Why You Should Use Node.js


The first major seasonal sales event of 2020 –Valentine’s Day – is around the corner.

03 Feb 2020

Valentine’s Day Sales Tips for Your Ecommerce Store

Just when you think that you’ve caught up to technology, technology throws something new (well not really new, but new to you) your way.

31 Jan 2020

Instagram: A Modern Market for Business

Social Media Marketing

Node.js is a cross-platform run environment and can be used for many applications, including chat, data streaming, and server-side web applications.

13 Jan 2020

What is Node.js? Where Can It be Used?


2020 is just around the corner! It’s going to be an exciting new year and your visitors look forward to something new and appealing – why not surprise them with a modern, professional web design?

19 Dec 2019

5 Reasons You Need a Fresh Website for 2020

Website Design

Merchants have been successfully using Magento as their preferred e-commerce platform for over 10 years.

30 Nov 2019

Out with The Old and In with The New: What’s Changing in Magento v2.3.


Node.js has become one of the most preferred web development frameworks with more than 15 million downloads every month and more than a billion package download requests every week.

18 Nov 2019

How Can Node.js Benefit Your Online Business?

Node.js, Web Development, Website Design

t’s no secret that most people who are old enough to drive probably also own a mobile phone; in fact, the latest report from the CRTC estimates that 87.9% of Canadians own a mobile device.

13 Nov 2019

Mobile App Development Trends in 2020 That You Should Know About

Mobile App Development

Internet users are becoming more tech-savvy and hard to impress, and sparkling buttons and hovering images are no longer exciting to every user.

09 Oct 2019

Top Five Tips To Follow For An Efficient Website Design

Website Design

With the increase of the mobile app industry and it showing no signs of slowing down, it has become more challenging to stand out from your competitors.

26 Sep 2019

Influencer Marketing To Grow Your App

Internet Marketing

For many small businesses, a website is one of the first things that make their business seem “official.”

16 Sep 2019

Mistakes To Avoid On Your Website

Website Design

As you take your business to the next level, you might consider it crucial to have social media management contracted out to a reputable agency.

06 Sep 2019

Ways to Safely Add an Admin to Any Social Media Profile

Social Media Marketing

Websites play an essential role in converting business for an organization, and they can also define the success of the brand and services.

21 Aug 2019

Benefits Of Custom Web Design

Website Design

If your website is not performing well, it is likely that you are turning away potential visitors or customers who aren’t staying on your website once you get them there.

06 Aug 2019

5 Web Design Turn Offs To Address Immediately

Website Design

Choosing a hosting provider is a decision that shouldn’t be made carelessly.

19 Jul 2019

How Your Hosting Service Can Affect Your Website Performance

Website Maintenance

Consumers make the best marketers. In fact, 88% percent of consumers trust online reviews written by other consumers as much as they trust recommendations from their personal network.

11 Jul 2019

User-Generated Content, The Golden Hack To Boost Your SEO

Content Marketing

The world of cyber-security is progressing at a considerable speed, and at the same time, advances in technologies are becoming increasingly better at assisting the hackers and cyber-criminals in exploiting data security loopholes. The constantly increasing scale of cyber security attacks is a primary concern for internet users and business organizations.

15 Jun 2019

Five Ways To Increase Your Online Security Now

As part of National Small Business Week, Facebook recently released new tools to make it easier for smaller companies to manage and promote their products and services across the social networks.

06 Jun 2019

Facebook Launches New Tools For Small Businesses

Social Media Marketing

When building your website, you need to know that it is not something you create once and then you are free to leave it, while it will run by itself, like magic.

21 May 2019

Useful Tips For Website Maintenance

Website Maintenance

A well-designed website is one where visitors spend the most time, because they clearly love what they see and can find what they need.

17 May 2019

Tips To Make Your Web Design Stick

Website Design

A persistent viral Facebook post has been making the rounds for years now, claiming that the News Feed is restricting what you see to just 26 friends.

18 Apr 2019

The Never-Ending Myth Facebook Limits Your News Feed to 26 Friends

Search Engine Optimization

  Insight - 10 Apr 2019 MVP For Startup Development  MVP broken down  A Minimum Viable Product is a version of a product that allows a team to collect the highest amount of validated learning about clients with the least possible effort.

10 Apr 2019

MVP For Startup Development

In 2010, I started a travel website for volunteer, applied learning, and teaching programs around the world.

09 Apr 2019

SEO Best Practices for Travel Industry Website

Search Engine Optimization

Nowadays, it doesn’t make sense to drain time handling reservations or event RSVPs by hand when you can have a program do it for you instead. With WordPress, you can efficiently set up an event registration website where people can find all the information they need and sign up at any time.

20 Mar 2019

Four Easy Steps to Create an Event Registration Website Using WordPress

Web Development, Website Design

There’s a lot that goes into building a new online business, and one of the biggest decisions for startups to make is deciding on the best e-commerce platform to select as a foundation for their online store.

21 Jan 2019

3 Helpful Tips for How to Find the Best Ecommerce Platforms for Startups

Many years ago, social media was primarily used as a platform for personal social interaction over the Internet, but over time, businesses started to realize how much of an impact social media could play for their businesses’ bottom line.

03 Jan 2019

9 Foolproof Tips for Using Social Media to Spur Your Business

Social Media Marketing

Launching a small business can seem like a daunting feat, knowing there are a number of other larger, more established businesses out there, but there are ways that a small business can flourish and this can be achieved partly by having a website.

17 Dec 2018

10 Benefits of Having a Website for a Small Business

Website Design

To understand the benefits of searcher intent, for the purpose of being able to boost SEO rankings, it is important to first understand what searcher intent is.

03 Dec 2018

4 Benefits to Understanding Searcher Intent to Boost SEO Rankings

Search Engine Optimization

Anyone who runs an online business knows the importance of their website and how it’s necessary to have a site that is well-designed in order to boost conversion rates, market the business brand, and keep up with competitors.

03 Nov 2018

Improve Your Contact Page With These 7 Effective Web Design Elements

Website Design

While it’s simple enough nowadays for anyone to whip up a website, if you’re looking to build a website for your business, it’s essential to have a professional website design.

18 Oct 2018

The Top 8 Benefits of Having a Professional Web Design

Website Design

An increasing number of E-commerce business owners are making the move to use Magento as their website platform, primarily because it is open sourced software and offers a ton of features that enable the ability to customize and integrate with other third-party software applications.

06 Oct 2018

Three Compelling Reasons to Upgrade to Magento 2


In today’s digital arena, online business owners must ensure that their websites not only meet their business goals, butare up-to-date with the latest trends in web design, in order to keep up with competitors.

03 Sep 2018

4 Compelling Reasons Why You Should Hire a Web Firm

Website Design

Long gone are the days of needing to utilize a hard copy map or asking your accompanying passenger how to get from A to B.

23 Jul 2018

3 New Features Introduced After the Revamp of Google Maps

The immense size of the Internet and the new digital technologies that are associated with it, while convenient, have to an extent eroded consumers online privacy.

06 Jul 2018

A Helpful GDPR Checklist to Ensure Transparency and Consent in Digital Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Modern businesses must employ modern tools and strategies when it comes to marketing,in order to keep up with the competition.

21 Jun 2018

How to Choose the Social Media Platforms that Are Best for Your Business

Social Media Marketing

There has been, and continues to be, debate on whether or not content for a website should precede the actual web design.

18 May 2018

Understanding Content and Design Combining Them Effectively to Create a Successful Website

Website Design


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