Quirky Zebra Shop


  • Custom WordPress
  • User Experience Design
  • Web Design
  • Web Hosting & Maintenance
  • SEO Consulting
  • Digital Strategy

About the Company

Quirky Zebra started as a new name in the fast fashion world with quirky, wacky, and superbly fun attire with spur-of-the-moment pop-culture references on apparel and household items. This included using popularly used phrases, lingo, jargon, movie dialogues, and more by pairing them with retro and contemporary art designs from all over.


  • Give the company a brand image & logo representing what it stands for
  • Build a new robust e-commerce website on a solid platform
  • Digital Marketing to promote product sales


  • New Users

    + 60%Year-Over-Year

  • Organic Traffic

    + 110%Year-Over-Year

  • Page Visits

    + 55%Year-Over-Year


Design mock-ups of the homepage were designed for the homepage. Various versions containing different styles and elements of design for the layout, navigation, and sectional parts were designed to demonstrate different looks on how the homepage could be portrayed. Each design ensured the page would be optimized and clearly convey the brand’s message and message.

Social media posts were also created in multiple styles, designs, and sets along with banners for the website’s pages. Every fresh design was promoted using cheeky and fun humour with pop culture references, catchy captions, and hashtags.


As the brand is quirky, fun, cheeky, and humourous, the overall style, vibe, and feel of the website was designed with that mood in mind. The yellow colour gives it that fun and edginess making it inviting, the use of bright and vivid colours gives the loud and expressive space to unleash the wacky element in the brand, and the logo itself of the mascot and company name- Quirky Zebra was added to give the whole site its brand identity.

Bringing it All Together

As a new startup, Quirky Zebra was given a full 360-degree digital experience from website design
and development to a full social media experience complete with banners, posts, and page designs for a solid
digital presence online and on social media platforms of effective lead generation and sales.

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